PCE has extensive experience in preparing construction work plans and long range planning studies using Milsoft’s Windmill distribution analysis package. A construction work planning study includes preparing an existing system model using information from the utility’s maps, billing records, and wholesale power purchase records. This study locates any potential voltage, load, and fault current issues that may occur in the study time frame, usually two to four years. The long range plan forecasts consumer and load growth by areas, and estimates system conditions in the five to twenty year time frame. System improvements necessary to correct expected problems are corrected in the model. An economic analysis is prepared to assist the utility in serving new load with the least cost. PCE strives to tailor the study to not just meet any regulatory requirements, but to be useful tools in the day to day operation of the system. We start every work plan project by meeting with various utilities personnel (office engineers and field engineers) to be sure we understand their requirements.