Recent Project Experience
Berkeley Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed over ten substations for Berkeley over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Whitesville 115 – 24.94/14.4 kV. PCE was responsible for fully redesigning this 44.8 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and eight underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included a mirrored bit low side bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Black River Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed several substation protection upgrades for Black River. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Shawfield – PCE was responsible for redesigning the protection and control for this existing station. The protection and control package was designed into the control cabinet of the new high side breaker. PCE prepared complete drawings and specifications, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and as built drawings. The low-side included a mirrored bit low side bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Blue Bonnet Electric Cooperative
PCE performed an arc flash study of the entire Blue Bonnet electric system. We modeled their 138 kV, 69 kV, 25 kV, 12 kV, 480 V and 208 V portions of their system using SKM Arc Flash and calculated the incident energies at the 25 kV, 12 kV, 480 V and 208 V portions of the system. For fault currents below 700 amps or voltages above 12 kV, the SKM Arc Flash algorithm uses the conservative Lee equations for coming up with the incident energies. Because the Lee equations are extremely conservative, we used the Arc pro program to get the incident energies for cases where the fault current was less than 700 amps for greater than 12 kV. After determining the incident energies, we determined the adequate PPE required on the 25 kV, 12 kV, 480 V and 208 V portions of the electric system.
City of Brownsville, TX
PCE has designed many substations for the City of Brownsville and has performed a full transmission system protection study.
Titan 138-12.47 kV, PCE was responsible for designing this new dedicated industrial substation to serve a new tire manufacturing plant in the city of Brownsville, Texas. The station was built for maximum reliability with dual 138 – 12.47kV LTC power transformers. The 138kV bus has four tap positions, two are for a future on-site generation plant. The others feed two transformers which are configured with automatic sectionalizing low-voltage breakers in metal-clad switchgear. Basler parallel balancing equipment and GE microprocessor relays assure continuity of service, even if a transformer fails. PCE prepared complete drawings and specifications, obtaining bids, handled bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management & final inspection and commissioning. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the relays, performed relay testing and functional testing of the protective system and placed the station in service.
City of Brownsville 138-12.47 kV system coordination project. The City of Brownsville is served by a 138 kV transmission loop that has fifteen 138-12.47 kV distribution substations tapped off the 138 kV transmission loop. The fifteen 138-12.47 kV distribution substations are relayed substations with two power transformers and eight underground feeders. PCE modeled the complete 138 kV transmission loop and the 138 – 12.47 kV distribution substations using ASPEN One Liner. After modeling the City of Brownsville power system, PCE analyzed the entire zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3 distance relay settings and verified coordination. PCE also checked that all distance relay settings conformed to the NERC loadability requirements. After checking the distance relay coordination, PCE analyzed the overcurrent relays in the fifteen distribution substations and confirmed relay coordination from the primary side transformer overcurrent relays down to the feeder overcurrent relays. PCE wrote a complete report of our findings and submitted it to the City of Brownsville.
City of Dover, DE
General Scott Switchgear. PCE was responsible for fully designing this new switchgear that included one main and six 25 kV feeders. The new switchgear enclosure also included relay upgrades to the existing transformer protection. PCE prepared complete drawings and specifications, obtaining bids for material and labor, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of as built drawings. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the new switchgear in service.
Coastal Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed several substations for Coastal. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Industrial Park 115 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this new 22.4 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and six underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Edisto Electric Cooperative
Volvo 115 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this new dual LTC transformer 44.8 MVA relayed substation with two overhead feeder circuits dedicated to a new Volvo plant, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included two mirrored bit protection schemes for the low side bus and feeders. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
PCE also completely designed and installed a new SCADA system at the new Volvo station and several other existing substation. Each station has an SEL RTAC that fed data into the new Survalent system.
Fairfield Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed several substation protection and control schemes for Fairfield. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Cobblestone Park 69 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing the protective system (transformer, feeder and bus) for this 37.33 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and six underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, obtaining relay panel bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of as built drawings. The low-side included a low impedance low side bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Four County Electric Cooperative
Powell 230 – 69 – 12.47 kV Autotransformer station. PCE was responsible for fully upgrading the protection this 84 MVA autotransformer relayed substation with two overhead 69 kV feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, obtaining bids for relay panels and high side breaker, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The full station was wrapped in overlapping differential zones. The 69 kV line protection was also upgraded. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Horry Electric Cooperative, Inc.
PCE has designed well over a dozen substations for Horry over the last 16 years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Watson’s Riverside 115 – 24.94/14.4 kV. PCE was responsible for designing this new 56 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and eight underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low side included logic based bus protection. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the SEL relays, performed functional testing of the protective relays and the protective system and placed the station in service.
Joe Wheeler Electric Cooperative
PCE periodically tests all the relays and batteries in their 27 substations. The relays range for older electromechanical overcurrent, bus, and distance relays to modern microprocessor 3, 4, 5 and 7 series SEL relays and Basler relays. For all the older electromechanical relays, PCE not only tests bus calibrates per the manufacturers recommendations.
Lynches River Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed several substations for Lynches River over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
HGM 67 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this 28 MVA LTC relayed substation and two overhead feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included a mirrored bit low side bus protection scheme. The station utilized dual overlapping transformer differential relays to protect the full station. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc.
PCE has dozens of clients where we have upgraded the existing relays either in place or installing new panels.
PCE designed a new protective scheme to replace all the electromechanical relays in Marlboro’s dedicated three transformer station for the paper mill. All the electromechanical relay were systematically removed and replaced with new microprocessor relays. We were only able to take one transformer out at a time as the plant remain in full operation while this upgrade was completed. New test switches and a breaker failure scheme were also added at the same time. All panel modifications and wiring was completed by PCE. We also calculated all the new settings, programmed and tested all the new relays and fully function tested the new scheme.
PCE developed both a 4 year Construction Work plan and a “Long-Range” System Planning Report. We began with Marlboro’s existing Millsoft model of the system. Then using data collected from the Cooperative, Central Electric, and other sources, developed a load forecast for the applicable time periods for each study. This load information was loaded into the Millsoft model, and areas in need of improvement were identified. Then, after consultation with the Cooperative, and taking their standard practices into account, various options were explored to address the problems that were found. Economic and operational considerations were considered, and problems were compiled into the final report. During this process, the RUS GFR was met with to assure the approval process went smoothly. The final reports each included all supporting documentation, and maps of the proposed system changes.
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed several substations for Mecklenburg over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Black Branch 115 – 24.94/14.4 kV. PCE was responsible for designing this 28 MVA relayed substation with bus regulation and three overhead feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (Basler) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Northern Neck Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed over ten substations for Northern Neck over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Comorn 230 – 36.2/20.92 kV – 28 MVA and 34.5 – 13.2/7.62 kV – 14.9 MVA. PCE was responsible for fully designing this new relayed substation with no 36.2 regulation and bus regulation on the 13.2 and four underground 13.2 kV feeder circuits and 2 future 35 kV sub-tranmission lines, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The 13.2 kV low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included a mirrored bit low side bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (Basler) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed over twenty substations for NOVEC over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Gant 230 – 34.5/19.9 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing the protection for this this 604.8 MVA relayed substation with four LTC transformers, and twenty underground feeder circuits to a dedicated industrial customer, preparing complete drawings and specifications, obtaining relay panel bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The high side was protected with dual low impedance bus differentials for each zone and overlapped with the transformer differential protection. The low-side included a logic based low side bus protection scheme. The feeders were protected with dual fiber line differentials. The industrial customer has on site generation so the substation is also protected with a logic based system to prevent islanding and potentially backfeeding a delta side fault. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Peace River Electric Cooperative
Pine Level 230-25kV, July 2011. PCE was responsible for designing this new 56 MVA dual transformer relayed substation with feeder regulation and six feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and relay commissioning and protective system testing, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed functional testing of the protective system and placed the station in service. The station had high side circuit switchers and secondary side MOD’s. There was a normally open tie that segregated the feeders so that each transformer fed only three feeders. The protection included differentials (SEL 587), primary side back-up overcurrents (SEL 351A) and secondary side bus overcurrent relays (SEL 351). The feeder relays were protected with SEL 351S relays. The feeder tie and other automation were controlled with a SEL 451. There was a communication link between the 351S feeder relays and the 351 bus overcurrent relay that allowed the bus overcurrent relay to trip the feeder breaker for a feeder relay failure. Using the SEL 451 logic engine we implemented an automatic transfer scheme. The SEL 451 relay was used to distinguish between a transformer fault versus substation bus faults and feeder faults. After an actual transformer fault is cleared by the high side circuit breaker, the SEL 451 relay sent an open signal to the MOD located on the secondary side of the transformer. After the faulted transformer MOD was opened, the SEL 451 sent a close signal to the tie switch so that the healthy feeders could be reenergized via the healthy transformer. The scheme also included a multi circuit trip functionality that involved communications link between the 451s the 351s and the 351Ss relays. The distribution automation throw over scheme, relay failure scheme and the multi circuit trip scheme were completely tested by PCE.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed over ten substations for Pee Dee over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
North Florence 69 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this 22.4 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and six overhead feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (Basler) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed four substations for Pioneer over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Anna 69 – 13.09 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this 22.4 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and four overhead feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included a logic based low side bus protection scheme and an automation scheme for isolating the transformer for transformer events and allow backfeeding from another station to carry the station load. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed over 20 substations for Rappahannock over the last 16 years. Most were similar in details to the ones listed above for Horry. Below are the details of a transmission switching station completed for REC.
St. John’s Transmission Station, April 2010 (last breaker added). PCE was responsible for designing this new ring bus 115 kV transmission station (and adding new breakers as needed), preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and relay commissioning and protective system testing, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. PCE also designed the new control house layout that included the AC distribution, DC distribution; batteries and all control and relay panels. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination for each outgoing line, developed the relay settings, set all the (Basler & SEL) relays, performed functional testing of the protective system and placed the station in service.
PCE designed a new relay and control panel to be used for replacement of each of 27 breakers on the Rappahannock 35 kV transmission system. The protective scheme used included three zones of distance protection. The zone two had to have overcurrent torque control to coordinate with tap breakers that only had overcurrents. The design included control via DNP Protocol. Outputs on the main protection relay were used to control the 01 switch, a 43 Arc Flash Switch and a 43 Reclosing Disable Switch. PCE physically removed the old relay panels and installed the new panels for each breaker and interfaced with other existing panels to coordinate with those existing schemes.
Santee Electric Cooperative, Inc.
PCE has dozens of clients where we test their batteries and relays on a periodic basis. Below is an example.
PCE evaluated all substation relay settings and made recommendations for modifications. We tested and calibrated all relays and batteries in 27 stations while making recommended changes. We performed functional tests of the existing protection systems and corrected numerous problems that could have resulted in mis-operation or no operation of the relay systems.
South Central Power
PCE has designed over twenty substations for South Central Power over the last several years. The details are similar to the one listed below.
Lockbourne 138 – 69 kV 224 MVA dual autotransformer station with a 69 -12.47 kV 28 MVA distribution station. PCE was responsible for fully redesigning this relayed substation. The 69 kV has four exiting transmission lines and also feeds a distribution transformer in the same fenced area. The distribution station is bus regulated with 5 underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side distribution bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side distribution bus included a logic based low side bus protection scheme. The 69 kV bus included a low impedance bus diff relay. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Talquin Electric Cooperative
PCE has designed many substations for Talquin and has performed some smart grid upgrades.
Gretna 69 – 24.94/14.4 kV, Jan 2008. PCE was responsible for designing this new 28 MVA relayed substation with bus regulation and four underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and relay commissioning and protective system testing, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The station was designed adjacent to an existing 69-12.47 kV energized distribution substation. The low- side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing tubular bus, hookstick switches and all welded connections. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed functional testing of the protective system and placed the station in service.
Killearn Smart Grid Upgrade – While PCE was testing their old electrometrical relays, a faulty ABB HU relay was found. The owner made the decision to upgrade all the relays on the panel to SEL. The panel had HU’s and CO’s and was upgraded in place to new SEL 387 and SEL 351 relays with new test switches. PCE prepared all schematic drawings and point to point drawings, completed all the mounting and rewiring in the panel and interfaced the new relays with existing CT’s and breakers. Once all the wiring was completed, PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed functional testing of the protective system and placed the station in service. DNP 3.0 was used for communication back to the owner’s office.
Union Rural Electric Cooperative
Honda R&D 69 – 12.47/7.2 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this 89.6 MVA, dual LTC transformer, relayed substation dedicated to an industrial customer with low side switchgear designed as Main Tie Tie Main with 12 feeders, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The high side and the low side switchgear included a low impedance bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.
Wake Electric Cooperative
Franklinton 115 – 13.2/7.62 kV. PCE was responsible for fully designing this 55.6 MVA relayed substation with feeder regulation and eight underground feeder circuits, preparing complete drawings and specifications, soliciting RUS approval, obtaining bids, handling bid evaluation and preparation of contract documents, project management, final inspection and commissioning, and preparation of RUS close-out documents and as built drawings. The low-side bus was designed with a main and transfer bus utilizing angular bus and hookstick switches. The low-side included a logic based low side bus protection scheme. PCE personnel calculated all the fault currents, designed the protective scheme, performed the relay coordination, developed the relay settings, set all the (SEL) relays, performed full functional testing of the protective relays and protective system and placed the station in service.